908-947-0867 info@axonu.com

AXON Re Cargo & Stock Throughput

A reliable solution from a USA based MGA

Axon Re is pleased to offer Stock Throughput capacity throughout the region. After the decline of the Lloyd’s of London Stock Throughput market, Axon Re is providing capacity for all industries, with service and underwriting expertise based in the USA.

Current capacities (all A+ double ratings)

New capacities launching this year. Additional Excess and Quota Share available!

Lloyd’s of London: USD 10,000,000 per risk

CPIC: USD 5,000,000 per risk

PICC: USD 5,000,000 per risk

Key Points:

48 hour turn-around time on quotations

Primary layers, Quota Share, and 100% Support

Retro Fronting where required.

Flexible brokerage and premium structure

English and Spanish wordings

Automatic programs and Fac Oblig programs


Manufacturing and Distribution / Logistics

Temperature Controlled risks including

Agricultural Risks

High theft risks including Mobile Phones and Pharma

Oil, Gas and

Countries of Expertise:

Central America






Paraguay & Uruguay


Key contacts:

Randy Hampton

25 years insurance broking and underwriting within the USA and global insurance market. Partner of AXON Re who has forged relationships in the United Kingdom, China and USA to provide unique competitive capacities.


All Submissions should be forwarded to rhampton@axonu.com or dgahagan@axonu.com. Any questions can be directed to 908.947.0867.