908-947-0867 info@axonu.com

Contaminated Products Insurance

Axon’s Contaminated Product Insurance policy is designed to protect manufacturers of food, beverage and topical products in the event of a product contamination.

With a rising trend in product recalls in the United States, Axon’s Contaminated Product Insurance protects the Insured from financial losses which can originate from an accidental contamination, government recall, property impairment, or malicious product tampering.

The coverage options target the economic impact deriving from recall efforts, replacement or restoration of products, third party recall, loss of gross profit, rehabilitation, marketing, and crisis expert response costs.


Insured Event Options:

Accidental Contamination

Adverse Publicity

Intentionally Impaired Ingredients

Malicious Product Tampering

Product Extortion Demand

Product Warning Refusal

Regulatory Agency Recall


USD $10 million per Insured Event / Policy Aggregate

Insured Losses:

Pre-Event Loss Mitigation

Pre-Recall Costs to Identify an Insured Event

Recall Costs

Third-Party Recall Costs

Third-Party Recall Liability Costs

Replacement and Restoration Costs

Crisis Response Costs

Loss of Gross Profit

Rehabilitation and Marketing Costs

Unsupported Product Recall Costs

Product Extortion Costs

Claims Preparation Costs

Axon Contaminated Product Insurance – Download

Workplace Violence Extension – Download

Contaminated Products Insurance FormDownload
Enhanced Contaminated Product Insurance EndorsementDownload
Carcinogen Carveback EndorsementDownload
Import Violation EndorsementDownload
Workplace Violence EndorsementDownload

Axon Contaminated Product Insurance Application Form – Download

Submission Contacts:

Contaminated Product Insurance: Randy Esposito
Any questions can be directed to 908.947.0867.